Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how "SHOWROOM Sukosuko Tools" (hereinafter referred to as "our App") handles information related to the privacy and personal information of users in the services it provides.

1. Information We Collect

Our App collects the following information to support users in utilizing the live streaming app SHOWROOM (hereafter, "SHOWROOM") more conveniently:

Note that our App does not manage or collect any account-related information (login IDs, passwords, user information, etc.) or personal information. User authentication is performed through SHOWROOM's official API.

2. Use of Information

The information collected is used for the following purposes:

3. Sharing and Disclosure of Information

Our App will not share or disclose user information to third parties, except in the following cases:

4. User Rights

Since our App does not manage any account information or personally identifiable information other than communication through SHOWROOM's official API, the rights users can exercise against our App are primarily as follows:

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our App uses cookies for the purposes of managing users' login states and streamlining communication with SHOWROOM's official API. These cookies temporarily store information on users' devices to maintain login states and facilitate smooth API communication when accessing SHOWROOM services.

6. About Advertising

Our App uses Google AdMob and other third-party advertising services to display ads to users. These services may use the user's advertising ID for the purpose of displaying ads, measuring the effectiveness of ad campaigns, and providing targeted ads.

Advertising IDs are used for the following purposes:

Users can reset their advertising ID or disable personalized ads through their device settings. However, disabling personalized ads will not reduce the number of ads shown, but will result in less relevant ads.

7. Protective Measures

Our App takes appropriate physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect the safety of user information.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our App may update this Privacy Policy as necessary. The updated privacy policy will take effect upon its publication on our App or related official websites.

Last Updated: March 30, 2024

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact